Just download, install, and launch inside the emulator.

Bluestacks is free to download and use, as is most of the other android emulator options out there. To use QooApp on your desktop computer, all you need to do is to download and your chosen android emulator (we like Bluestacks 4), install it, launch it, then navigate to the location of where you want to download QooApp.

An android emulator causes your desktop computer (or even laptop) to imitate an android device’s hardware and software so that the otherwise incompatible software can be used. People use it a lot for their desktop computers with the assistance of an android emulator. There is no QooApp for PC that we are aware of. If something seems unnecessary (like access to your email, contacts, social media accounts and the like), definitely say “no” to those requests. Keep in mind that QooApp is an app downloader/installer, so it is going to need access to the internet, to your storage, and other important parts of the phone. There has been some chatter about QooApp seeming to request permissions to a lot of stuff. Like with downloads from third party sources, we always recommend that you pay close attention to the permissions requested by any app. What about the permissions? They seem extensive. On this website, we don’t support piracy, or getting paid games for free. Naturally, there is always the concern of getting access to games and apps in violation of the desires of the developers. We have done a ton of research across the internet on this, and do not see any reason why using QooApp would cause any danger to your phone. The reason that there is little to no known safety issues with QooApp is that the games are the ones from Google Play Store, and not from other sources. As always, we think that it is right to be cautious about where you get your games from.