Media Support Enhanced: File formats such as ProRes on Windows and Linux, MXF, and AVCHD are improved and supported, thanks to the Gstreamer media engine.OpenColor IO Color Management Updated: The user interface is updated, with enhanced workflows for the standalone and plugin versions of Mocha Pro, improved viewer settings,.With the 2020.5 update, there are plenty of improvements to existing functionality and features. Mocha Pro is a leading planar tracking tool for post-production and visual effects, and is available as a standalone app or as a plugin for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. Plus the new Area Brush and Mega Plate module, which both of which help enhance visual effects work. Boris FX has released Mocha Pro 2020.5, and it's full of improvements and new features, including enhancements to planar tracking, media support, OpenColorIO color management, GPU acceleration, and much more.