We asked ourselves what made The Lost Vikings a unique, fun experience. This is true for all characters, from Valla to Chen, to The Lost Vikings- it's just that in the Vikings' case, the time between then and now has been much longer than it was for other characters.

John: Whenever we bring a new Hero into the Nexus, we try and identify what made those characters so memorable in the first place, then somehow incorporate those identifying features into the game. How did the design team tackle the concept of bringing these Vikings from a very different type of game to Heroes? What was important to carry over from the original series?
The Lost Vikings was a puzzle platformer we released back in 1992, and gave many players their first Blizzard experience. Trikslyr: Heroes of the Storm is all about creating an environment in which Blizzard's characters from a variety of games battle it out. This time, Game Designer John Hodgson sits down to chat about The Lost Vikings. It’s time for another Developer Insights, where we bring you the inside scoop on heroes and their transition to the Nexus.